The 18K Gold Cartier Juste Un Clou Bracelet typically features a clasp mechanism for opening and closing. Here’s how you can open it:
Look for the clasp on one end of the Cartier 18K Gold Juste Un Clou Brcaelet. It may be a small lever or a button depending on the specific design of your bracelet.
Press or push the clasp to release it. Some Cartier Juste Un Clou 18K Gold Bracelet may require you to apply a bit of pressure to open the clasp, while others may have a more straightforward mechanism.
Once the clasp is released, gently pull apart the ends of the Juste Un Clou Bracelet to open it.
To close the bracelet, align the ends and push them together until you hear or feel the clasp click into place.
It’s essential to handle your Cartier Juste Un Clou bracelet with care to avoid any damage to the piece.
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